My goals in teaching music include fostering the understanding of music as well as the reproductions and creation of it. 

My aim is to introduce music as an enjoyable, integral part of my student’s life. I have a far-reaching view of enriching my student’s life through musical accomplishments. I help them to cultivate a love for a good music, and I look carefully to their musical aims and interests and keep their total personality in view. 

My goals are to make home practice more enjoyable and creative, to give to my students a good understanding of the concept of music, a solid technical development and a concept of playing sensitively and expressively, as well as to motivate them to perform in concerts, auditions and festivals.

My music lessons are fun, happy, successful and memorable experience. I introduce the play element wherever possible, and also creativity,  imagination,  comprehension,  logical understanding, positive attitude and habits, humor and perseverance. I give to my students the desire to perform and to do their best. I help them to concentrate and be well organized, to appreciate music and to get over little difficulties. 

My musicianship approach includes areas of understanding such as history, theory, ear training, music reading, composing and creating. 

 Copyright © 2010-2021 



I recognize that an excellent teacher is the one who adapt the teaching to the student's needs, qualities and enthusiasm.

I take in consideration student’s influences and their environment, their interests and their need of adequate learnings.

My piano students known the joy of making music, obtain invaluable learning experiences that will affect their lives positively, including their academic and social development. I give them motivation, encouragement and a great assistance. My students like to practice, to play, to make music and have fun.


Your child's first piano lesson with Marina Atahlian

My first piano lesson is successful and fun  experience. The first impression is the lasting one and provides the foundation for the future success. Every beginner arrives with great expectations, anticipation, and motivation. As a dedicated instructor, my aim is to be supportive, encouraging and to capture and sustain the positive qualities. My goal is to help each student develop a real love for music that becomes a lifelong experience.